Chair Yoga Classes online with Ki
Tuesday @ 10am
- Gentle yoga postures in or near a chair to increase range of motion for injury prevention.
- Develop main muscle groups to improve overall health and maintain your independence.
- Practice simple breathing techniques for stress management and mindfulness.
- Stroke survivors or those with tremors or Parkinsons are encouraged to join.
- A guided meditation closes each class.
INSTRUCTIONS for CLASS PURCHASE: Simply select the date of your desired class under Class Date> Choose an Option. You can select the whole month or specific dates to add to your shopping cart.
Purchase a class for each person attending, this will be the quantity.
Classes are held on the Zoom meeting app.
Disclaimer: Consult your healthcare provider and obtain full medical clearance before practicing yoga or any other exercise program. Ki Browning and her staff assume no responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that may result from implementing the suggestions in these online classes and make no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness or accuracy of information presented for each student. Remember, the student videos are hidden and Ki cannot see if you personally are doing the postures correctly. Ki is available for one-on-one training through Zoom where she can see your video and give you personal instruction.
It’s your constitutional right to educate yourself in health, wellness and medical knowledge. Using the information from these online classes and the guidance of a healthcare provider, you can learn to achieve optimal health. Ki Browning and her staff do not directly or indirectly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or medical problems. The intent is to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for health and wellness. In the event you use any of the information from these online classes, which is your constitutional right, Ki and her staff assume no responsibility for your actions. The information in these online classes is based on the Ki’s research and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. Those individuals currently taking pharmaceuticals are advised to talk to their healthcare professional about the negative effects the drugs can have on herbal remedies, nutritional supplements and essential oils, before combining them, especially when pregnant or nursing.