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  • Past Life Regression

    A Past Life Regression therapy session will take 3-4 hours.

    Past life trauma can follow you into this life, affecting your mental and physical health, your relationships, and can block you from moving forward. I’ve seen outstanding success with Past Life Regression techniques and have been using them since the 90’s.

    To learn these special techniques on Past Life Recall and Regression Hypnotherapy, I trained with Dr. Brian Weiss at the Omega Institute and Harvard Graduate Peter Woodbury, MSW, of the Edgar Cayce Center. I am also a Quantum Healer using the Dolores Cannon Method.

    These techniques quickly ease symptoms that some clients have been dealing with for years. A Past Life Recall (PLR) can help you identify how/what/when from another time and how/what/when that is impacting you today. When did the issue really start and more importantly how can you resolve it now?



  • Zenergy Book

    Zenergy: Mind-Body-Spirit Book

    Zenergize Your Mind-Body-Spirit! This comprehensive reference book provides the discovery tools of time tested, scientifically proven methods to help you traverse these challenging and changing times. Whether nutrition, meditation, yoga, self-discipline, emotional balance, spiritual development or understanding your Divine Life Purpose, you will find ways to stay balanced. Restore peace, joy, and understanding to your life today.

    Ki is a Mind~Body~Spirit Life Coach, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Yoga Instructor and Wellness expert.

    Click here to watch Book Launch Video.
